The RAAF Association Queensland Division Cairns Branch

The RAAF Association is a non-profit organisation promoting social activities, welfare, commemoration events, aviation interest and the memory of fallen friends. The Cairns Branch of the Association meets every fourth Sunday of the month at the RSL Cairns Esplanade, and when indicated on our social calendar alternative meetings are conducted at Cairns 104 Squadron Headquarters Cairns Air Port General Aviation Area.
Membership is open to all serving and ex-RAAF WRAAF AAFC formally (Air Training Corps) Instructors over the age of 18, and members of other Air Forces and those with an interest in aviation. Cairns Branch is active in the ex-service community and attends briefings on special topics by Department of Veteran Affairs and attends other ex-service commemorations. Cairns Branch has been active for over sixty years in Cairns we always welcome new members, along with visitors with the above requirements that share an interest in aviation, or just simply looking for a social activity and meeting people with the same interest in life and meet the above requirements.

A special thanks is most definitely in order to our wonderful and charming photographer Beatrice, the site would not be possible without Beatrice Cranwell and supported by her husband Geoff Cranwell, They are to be commended for their wonderful work without their dedication and other members the site would be very bland, we the members of RAAFA Cairns Branch thank you this site would not be possible.

Note to all members; those of you who have access to the internet please pass on any relevant information to those members that do not have access to the internet, communication is vital to our continuing success and growth as an active association, again thank you all for your fantastic support.

“Note to all who use this site ” You write it or you say it you own it” remember legal Ramification will more than likely occur, please be careful with your electronic communications, respect others as you would respect your self human frailty is a fact of life. if you don’t like others views then walk away from it and leave it at that. The best advice is as old as time it self and it goes like this ” If you can’t say good about some one, “don’t say anything” If you can’t write good about someone don’t write anything. DEFAMATION: The law of defamation is the area of law that deals with protection of reputation. Defamation law gives a person whose reputation has been wrongfully attacked the right to take legal action against those responsible. The gist of the action is the publication of defamatory matter about the plaintiff to a third party. Damage is presumed and need not be proved. From 1 January 2006, uniform defamation law came into operation throughout the States and Territories of Australia. In Victoria, the relevant legislation is contained in the Defamation Act 2005 (Vic) (“Defamation Act“). Prior to enactment of the “uniform law”, the law of defamation was different in each State and Territory, which caused undue complexity in relation to Australia-wide publications. This chapter deals only with Victorian law. Prior to the Defamation Act, the law of defamation with respect to publications in Victoria was governed by decisions of the courts (known collectively as the common law). The Defamation Act made some significant changes to the common law; however, it left the common law defences, which are now additional to those available to a publisher under the Act, largely untouched. Note: All references to legislation in this chapter are to the Defamation Act unless otherwise noted.

RAAF Assiciation Queensland Face Book click on this link below:


  • More information in Documentation Defamation Law QLD a PDF Document will reveal more on the subject.

Important Notice: The Distribution, downloading, printing or photocopying of the contents of this website or any of it’s attachments is strictly prohibited. The privilege of confidentiality attached to this website and attachments is not waived; this website remains the property of the Royal Australian Air Force Association Queensland Division Cairns Branch and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Crimes Act 1914, Section 70. ©Copyright 2013-2217 by Royal Australian Air Force Association (Queensland Division Cairns Branch) ~ All Rights Reserved. All content in this website is copyright and may not be reproduced without written permission of the Branch President or Approved executive’s.